
18thSeptember, 2013

Danger: Sharks Ahead! Ways To Avoid Selling A Part Of Your Business.

By |September 18th, 2013|Blog|

Is selling equity the best way to fund your business?
I love watching ABC’s Shark Tank and I am really excited to watch Season 5, which starts this Friday. Seeing the creative solutions that people dream up to mundane problems is really fun and exciting.

But the excitement about the product or service pales in comparison to […]

13thSeptember, 2013

Commercial Construction Subcontractor Finds Growth Capital by Factoring

By |September 13th, 2013|Deal|

Commonwealth Capital, LLC, a leading provider of invoice factoring to businesses in the Upper Midwest, today announced that it has provided a $200,000 factoring facility to a Minnesota-based commercial construction subcontractor.
Company Description and Needs
The minority, woman-owned, startup commercial construction subcontractor was in need of additional working capital to grow their business. The Company is well-positioned […]

29thAugust, 2013

Minnesota Commercial Bakery Finds Working Capital by Factoring with Commonwealth Capital

By |August 29th, 2013|Deal|

Factoring facility to be used for growth
Commonwealth Capital, LLC, a leading provider of invoice factoring to businesses in the Upper Midwest, today announced that it has provided a $10,000 factoring facility to a Minnesota-based commercial bakery.

The bakery had recently started selling to commercial accounts, and was in need of a temporary solution as they applied […]

21stAugust, 2013

How a Lack of Capital Holds Your Business Back – Pt 2

By |August 21st, 2013|Blog|

This post is part of a series on a lack of working capital. You can find part one here and part three here.
A Lack of Capital Limits Your Hiring.
Oftentimes, the right employee comes along at the wrong time—when a business is strapped for cash. Adding an additional person to the payroll is usually the last […]

19thAugust, 2013

Gorgeous Day at the RMA / MNCPA Golf Tournament 2013

By |August 19th, 2013|Blog|

We had an wonderful time today at Brookview Golf Course. The weather was great, the golfers were having fun, and we were able to meet some people.

Thanks to the RMA Minnesota and MNCPA for hosting.

12thAugust, 2013

How A Lack of Capital Holds Your Business Back – Pt 1

By |August 12th, 2013|Blog|

This post is part of a series on a lack of working capital. You can find part two here and part three here.

I’ve written previously about the importance of a business being adequately capitalized. The businesses that are still standing and the new ones that have started up since the Great Recession find themselves in […]

5thAugust, 2013

The Hidden Dangers of Small Payroll Services

By |August 5th, 2013|Blog|

The Wall Street Journal has an important article that every small business that outsources its payroll should read.

About 40% of small businesses are currently using a payroll service. Some outsource to be more efficient. Some use an outside firm to stay compliant with changing regulations. Some small businesses do it simply because they just don’t […]