
19thNovember, 2013

Two More Ways Wise Cash Management Can Improve Profits.

By |November 19th, 2013|Blog|

This post is part of a series on a lack of working capital.

Part one discussed how a lack of capital limits your sales.
Part two covered how a lack of capital limits your hiring.
Part three introduced two ways wise cash management can save a business money..
Part four explored two ways good cash management can increase a […]

15thNovember, 2013

Our Bakery Client Is In The News!

By |November 15th, 2013|Blog|

One of our clients was recently featured in an article in the Star Tribune about local bakeries. The article neglected to mention that this bakery has been able to get their business funded by factoring their commercial receivables. We were there to fund their first commercial invoices when they had been turned down by banks, […]

12thNovember, 2013

Two Ways Wise Cash Management Can Improve Profits.

By |November 12th, 2013|Blog|

This post is part of a series on a lack of working capital.

Part one discussed how a lack of capital limits your sales.
Part two covered how a lack of capital limits your hiring.
Part three introduced wise cash management principles.

Two Ways Wise Cash Management Can Improve Profits.
I wrote the last post in this series about how […]

5thNovember, 2013

How a Lack of Capital Holds Your Business Back – Pt 3

By |November 5th, 2013|Blog|

This post is part of a series on a lack of working capital. You can find part one here and part two here.

How a Lack of Capital Reduces Your Bottom Line.

Today, businesses both large and small are looking to increase their profits. While in the past it may have been enough for a business to […]

23rdOctober, 2013

Why Every Invoice Is Important

By |October 23rd, 2013|Blog|

Things are going well for your business. You have several new orders that will keep your company running at near capacity for the next six months. Your recent growth has caused you to draw on your line of credit at the bank, and you’re almost at your credit limit. That’s fine because your biggest, most […]

3rdOctober, 2013

Oy Vey! How Moshe Weiss Could Have Avoided Selling 40% of His Business.

By |October 3rd, 2013|Blog|

I previously wrote about alternative options that entrepreneurs can use to fund their business instead of selling equity. Today I’d like to look at a specific example from the Shark Tank that could have allowed a business owner to keep 40% of his business.

My favorite example of this is St. Paul native Rabbi Moshe Weiss […]

2ndOctober, 2013

How the Government Shutdown Affects Small Business Loans

By |October 2nd, 2013|Blog|

While the Federal Government is shutdown, many small businesses are left in the lurch. The delay in processing the SBA’s 7(a) loans are leaving small businesses across Minnesota and the nation waiting for that desperately needed working capital to fuel their growth. The SBA has guaranteed over $300,000,000 in 7(a) loans in Minnesota through September […]