Trucking is a highly-regulated industry. Many owner-operators are overwhelmed by the various regulations.
When a motor carrier needs additional help running their business, here’s who we recommend.

Consultran, LLC
With roots dating back to 1973, Consultran’s motor carrier compliance services helps businesses stay on top of regulations and DOT filings.
For companies just getting started, Consultran can answer the question “how do I start a trucking company in Minnesota?”
We recommend their Minnesota IFTA filing service for carriers who are sick of dealing with calculating their fuel and mileage taxes.
Carriers also need to deal with apportioned (aka “prorate”) vehicle registration. Consultran’s expertise helps carriers add new trucks to their IRP fleet. For the owner-operator required to get their own license plate, Consultran can also help.
What many trucking companies don’t realize is that anyone operating a commercial vehicle over 26,000 most have all drivers in a DOT-compliant drug testing pool (aka “a consortium”).
Because of its long history serving the trucking industry, we wholeheartedly recommend Consultran to all of our trucking clients.